
Milestones and Events 2016

November 2016 Update

The Asset Transfer of the former North Kessock Ticket Office for a nominal sum with conditions has been approved, we await formal confirmation of this.

Inverness Soup

Our Project was chosen to be one of four to pitch at the first 'Inverness Soup' a crowdfunding event on Thursday 17th November in the Maclean Room in the Bishop's Palace. Maggie Macdonald and Alan Macdiarmid did the 4 minute pitch to the audience. We decided to ask for the money to get us up and running when we get the building, then answered questions from the audience.

We were not successful in getting the £350 collected from the entry fees, but a worthwhile Pollinator's Project from Inverness High School were the winners of the funding.

It was a great experience and we learned a lot from it and got our profile raised at the same time. We hope to keep the momentum going and apply for more funding in a variety of ways.

If anyone has an idea about fundraising or would like to donate to our charity, please let us know.

October 2016 Update

A note from the project Chairwoman


Dear NKTOP member,

Just an update about our Quiz Night held on Friday 21st October in North Kessock Village Hall.

This was our first fundraiser in the community and it was a huge success. 23 teams entered and thanks to a £250 donation from Tulloch Homes we were able to give prize money to the first three winning teams.

The winning team, the Brewdogs kindly donated their prize money back to the Project. After prize money and other items were purchased for the night we have a remainder of £100 from Tulloch's donation to benefit our Project.

We raised £680.00 on the night from entry fees, raffle tickets and donations made by Simon Sharp and Doug and Nanette Morrison who could not be with us on the night.

Thank you very much to all the local businesses and individuals who donated fantastic raffle prizes so generously towards our Project.

It was a fun social event and brought back a feeling of community to the village which we hope to continue with other events in the near future.

Maggie Macdonald,
Chairwoman NKTOP

September 2016 Update

We had a table at the Ferries Exhibition at the hall on Saturday 17th September where we raised our profile and got a lot of positive response to our plans. Some tables were booked for the quiz and we signed up 35 new members so it was a huge success for us to get more community support.

If you are thinking of coming to the quiz then please book a table by sending us a message.

August 2016 Update

We are having a Quiz Night in North Kessock Village Hall on Friday 21st October.

Teams of four £10.00 per table. Bring your own beer or wine etc.

Refreshments of tea and coffee also to be served.

We will be holding a raffle on the night with prizes including donations from local businesses. If you would like to donate a prize please contact a committee member.

March 2016 Update

New page added to the site showing photographs of current building and visualisations of the building as it would be at the end of the project.

At the AGM in March, two new members were voted on to the Board - Keith Brill and Jackie Patience.

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